
Working is a pain in the butt. Changed Roger 2014 lets go!

Ugh work is so tiring while having to deal with school. But I'm a broke 20 year old so gotta do what I gotta do to earn some money. But seriously, retail sucks I literally am starting to judge people now just by looking at them at the cash register. I feel horrible everytime I do it but there are just too many customers in general that ruin my day. There are just so many type of people that annoy me. The people who are on their phone while making an order, people who talk very quietly making it hard for me to take their order, people who change their order the very last minute as the food is prepared, and people who leave trash on the floor without a care in the world. But not all customers are like this I know there are lots of great customers but I never notice it since I'm always in a bad mood by the time they come and I act like a douche. At the end of the end of the day i feel like crap for being such a bad cashier. So now after venting my frustrations at work. I'm going to try and change my attitude at work and try to be positive toward everything even if the customers do things that make me irritated. I wanna see how that goes and hopefully I can continue this and become a better worker.  Work is a pain in the butt but I gotta learn to deal with it and quit being a little girl about little things and do my job. It's not worth getting angry for something so little and ruining other peoples day so I am going to become a changed man,. Changed Roger 2014 lets do this.


  1. i'll come by and be the best customer ever... so good you'll just give me free food :)

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